Depression Counseling in North and South Carolina

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light."

~Albus Dumbledore (from Harry Potter films)

Feeling sad is a basic human emotion and a normal response to difficult times we may face in life.

Depression can lead you to feeling emotionally numb, stuck in negativity, and loss of interest in things you used to enjoy.

depression symptoms

Have you been struggling with these depressive symptoms?

  • Feeling self-doubt or low self-esteem

  • Pretending like everything is “fine”, but you feel as if you are barely managing internally

  • Feeling hopeless or helpless

  • Isolating yourself in your room or withdrawing from social gatherings

  • Low energy or motivation to do anything

  • Changes in appetite that are causing significant weight loss or weight gain

  • Thoughts of harming yourself, or acting on those thoughts

  • Difficulty concentrating or feeling productive

Finding the light to healing from depression

Depression Treatment

Working with a therapist for symptoms of depression can lead you to feeling more confident in how you approach life’s challenges, let go of negative thought patterns, and restore balance within your emotional states.

When shifting to a compassionate approach for depressive feelings, it allows you to build a healthy dialogue with your inner critic. You will:

  • Gain more awareness of triggers for your depressive symptoms

  • Establish skills for a new mindset to navigate through hard moments

  • Create a lens showing you are worthy of kindness and forgiveness towards yourself

You are deserving of love towards yourself. I’d love to talk with you more about what you are feeling.